Sunday, September 13, 2015


This is from today's "Streams In The Desert" & I thought it worth repeating here. God bless!

"In the morning . . . come up. . . . Present yourself to me there on top of the mountain.(Exodus 34:2)
The “morning” is the time I have set to meet with the Lord. “Morning”—the very word itself is like a cluster of luscious grapes to crush into sacred wine
 for me to drink. In the morning! This is when God wants me at my best in strength and hope so that I may begin my daily climb, not in weakness but in strength. Last night I buried yesterday’s fatigue, and this morning I took on a new supply of energy. Blessed is the day when the morning is sanctified—set apart to God! Successful is the day when the first victory is won in prayer! Holy is the day when the dawn finds me on the mountaintop with God!

Dear Father, I am coming to meet with You. Nothing on the common, everyday plain of life will keep me away from Your holy heights. At Your calling I come, so I have the assurance that You will meet with me. Each morning begun so well on the mountain will make me strong and glad the rest of the day! Joseph Parker

Still, still with You, when the purple morning breaks,
     When the birds awake, and the shadows flee;
Fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight,
     Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee.
Alone withYou, amid the misty shadows,
     The solemn hush of nature newly born;
Alone withYou in breathless adoration,
     In the calm dew and freshness of the morn.
As in a sunrise o’er a waveless ocean,
     The image of the morning star does rest,
So in this stillness, You discerning only
     Your image in the waters of my breast.
When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,
     Its closing eyes look up to You in prayer;
Sweet the repose, beneathYour wings o’ershadowing,
     But sweeter still to wake and find You there.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

My mother made it a habit every day, immediately after breakfast, to spend an hour in her room, reading the Bible, meditating over it, and praying to the Lord. That hour was like a blessed fountain from which she drew the strength and sweetness that prepared her to complete all her tasks. It also enabled her to maintain a genuine peacefulness in spite of the normal trying worries and pettiness that so often accompany life in a crowded neighborhood.

As I think of her life and all that she had to endure, I see the absolute triumph of the grace of God in the ideal Christian lady. She was such a lovely person that I never saw her lose her temper or speak even one word in anger. I never heard her participate in idle gossip or make a disparaging remark about another person. In fact, I never saw in her even the hint of an emotion unbecoming to someone who had drunk from “the river of the water of life” (Rev 22:1) and who had eaten of “the living bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:51). Frederick William Farrar

Give God the fresh blossom of the day. Never make Him wait until the petals have faded."

Zac Poonen - Soulish or Spiritual | New Sermon

Saturday, January 3, 2015

What we've been handed (Pt.2)

     Earlier this week, I responded to an old friend via social media regarding his response to a recent post where I mentioned my concern with the state of American churches. As I alluded to in Part 1 of this message, I once believed the "Once Saved, Always Saved" doctrine as well. But because of what the Lord allowed in my life over the last several years, I slowly began to see through the fog. I then, went on to describe a little of my experience in an effort to bring context and understanding to him, as I carefully attempted to communicate the issues I had previously mentioned. 

     2008 was a very important year all around the world, primarily due to the housing market crash.  But for me, it began what would be the most difficult years of my life. Within that next year or so, I would lose marriage, my job, my house, car, and even the custody of my kids. With the exception of my health, everything was gone!  I hope to talk more about those years in not too distant future, but for now I'll just say that it was a time in which I was placed in the very fire for which this blog is entitled.   However, in that process, that the Lord allowed, I might add.....I found Him, ...and more than ever!

     I immediately began attending a local "up and coming church" that has now became one of the largest and fastest growing churches in the country.  At that time it helped keep me out of the gutter, but I no longer attend there.  I have nothing personal against this church or the "mega" churches, I have good friends that still attend there and one of the campus pastors is an old friend of mine. But somewhere along the way during that terrible storm, the Lord began to reveal the truth to me; and the deception, not only in that church but in most of the Western churches. 

     What I had been living with was a counterfeit Christianity with the counterfeit grace....A grace that says it's okay to sin rather than empowering me to overcome it (Romans 6:14). Actually, it is old testament Christianity with a half gospel. I was experiencing forgiveness for my sin, but not victory and power to overcome sin. I didn't even know that God expected me to stop sinning. I was living as a "Christian", but not as a disciple and follower of Jesus. I was praying, reading my Bible and going to church… but I was also going to bars, lusting women, lying, stealing, constantly getting angry with my kids....and the list goes on. I was living for myself… doing, saying and thinking whatever I pleased....and going where I wanted.  I was not surrendered and submitted to the Lord, nor his will....not even close. I thought this was normal Christianity, living defeated....daily tossed by emotions, current events and circumstances. This is not Christianity! This is not why Jesus died. The outer cup was my focus, not the inner as Jesus described in Matthew 23.  

      These are the things not being taught from our pulpits. Like most, I was just a religious person, not at all interested in living a holy life as Jesus did and commanded me to. One of the main problems in our culture's Christianity and churches today is that people are led to pray a prayer, even be dipped in water and then walk away for the most part, unchanged. Emotional experiences and encounters have taken the place of true repentance and grieving over our wicked and sinful state. They walk away with a false sense of security, believing that they are okay and right with God, when they are not. And it's very deceptive and dangerous. Like Jesus said, we're making "two-fold sons of hell" and what's more is that many, on "that day" are going to say "Lord, Lord...", but the Lord doesn't know them. Many have given themselves to religion, but not met the conditions of true discipleship laid out in Luke 14.  

     I'm not one who enjoys saying things that sound negative or confrontational, but the truth, I'm finding, always is. We live in a day where there is tremendous deception, and many are preaching and following another Jesus... and another gospel (2 Cor 11; Gal 1). Remember, anyone can pray a little prayer and think they're saved, but to be truly born again is a miraculous work of the Spirit of God....and true repentance will always bear fruit of repentance (Luke 3:8). In John 8:11, Jesus told the woman caught in adultery that he did not condemn her. But, he also told her to stop sinnIng. This has been deleted from today's sermons and messages. Entertainment has replaced the truth.  

 I would encourage you to do your own research, I believe many false prophets have arisen (Matthew 24:11) and are being sent in to lead the people away from the true gospel and power of God. Countless folks have been and are currently being deceived as many are masquerading as angels of light (2 Cor 11) and their message is a very close look a like....very close!  Be on alert brother and sisters! Don't just believe everything you hear or see. Ground yourself in the word of God and don't be dependent upon others to teach you. Do your own research (2 Timothy 2:15) and ask the Lord to show you the truth. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Heb11). 

     I have attached a link to a message by Zac Poonen of entitled "Reality In The Christian Life".  It will better help you in your search for truth and understanding in this area.

Thank you for stopping by and may the Lord continue to lead you into all truth by the Spirit of Truth!  God bless!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Checkpoint #1

     The truth, as we all know, is not always easy to hear, but I just wanted us all to be reminded of where we are. The battle is getting dramatically more fierce. What makes it so dangerous is the subtlety in which it is coming. Its not so much the issues, circumstances & political events (though these are dangerous), but the inner war of the mind, will & emotions (soul).

Many hearts that were once warm & on fire are now cold, and growing colder. Offenses, frustrations, arguments, bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, unbelief, doubt, pride & spiritual pride, worldliness, cares of this world, self love....these are the things and the like, that are creeping in the hearts of men... slowly and patiently stealing them away, distracting them from God, his kingdom and his righteousness. I feel it...we are battling it, and it's only going to get worse. In a culture permeated with deception & hatred, we cannot lose our first love...we are too close to the finish line. 

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."  Hebrews 12:1-2.

Stay alert...shake off the encumbrances (impediments, hindrances, obstructions, obstacles, constraints, inconveniences, nuisances, disadvantages, drawbacks, etc) .... let's fix our eyes on Jesus until we're all home! 

God bless!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What we've been handed (Part 1)

     It seems everybody's a Christian these days, especially here in the American bible belt. While some say its because their goods outweigh their bads, most believe it to be true because of a sinner's prayer they prayed at some point in their life.  The Bible however tells us in John 3 that, "unless a man be born again'' he will never see the kingdom of God and in John 1 the "sons of God" are not born of flesh (man's decision), but by God's (Spirit).

     One of the many "doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1) that has infiltrated the church today is "Once saved always saved".  The osas doctrine teaches that if you pray a prayer and ask Jesus to come into your heart, you can receive a ticket to heaven regardless of how you live the rest of your life out. This is not what the bible teaches, but I too, used to believe it.  Over & over again in the new testement we read about repentance, holiness, obedience, endurance & finishing the race, yet so few are teaching this....and even less, living it.

     Latter Days Ministry (NOT to be confused with the mormon church) does an incredible job of exposing the lies of this doctrine and revealing what the word of God says salvation actually is.  For those of you who desire to understand more about this, I have provided the link below:

     Let's continue to dig & look to see what it is that we've been handed...     

"... he (God) is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." Heb. 11:6


Monday, February 17, 2014

Divine Destiny

     There's a lot of talk these days about destiny. Everytime you turn around someone seems to be wooing you to find your place in this big old world of ours. Movies are made, books are written and songs are sung about it. It's also heralded from the pulpits of many churches, but with a new, holier sounding name..."divine destiny". If you're like most, you've spent much time (not to mention money and other valuable resources) pondering over and in search of this elusive destination.
     I too have spent more time than I'd like to remember on the hunt for mine. Seems most of my life was spent running here or there and doing this or that in order to discover what it is that I was attaining to. However, at long last I have found the target on which my life is now aimed. Its not a job or occupation, it's not a dot on a map or even a particular ministry for the Lord. No, it's something so beyond what I dreamed of & yet, it was right under my nose all the while.
     Jesus described this target as a buried treasure and a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44). In Philippians 3:14, Paul even called it a prize!  In fact, Jesus told us that if we would ask for it, it would be given; if we would search for it with all of our heart, we would find it; and if we would knock, it would be opened up to us. As for Paul, he counted all else, including his very own life, as rubbish compared to it.
     So what is this destiny of which I speak?  It is none other that Jesus Christ & his very own nature being imbued into us, his disciples.  "For whom he (God) did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren" Romans 8:29. To have the nature, love, holiness, will, thoughts, values, character, speech, and behavior of Jesus....yes, this is our mark! This is the divine destiny for all who will take up their cross daily, follow him and endure until the end.  It will cost you everything on earth, but imagine for a moment what awaits those who finish the race! (1 Corinthians 2:9)
     Bless you and may the Lord give each of you the spirit of power, love & self control to press on with great courage in these last days (2 Timothy 1:7).